The Minke Whale: A Guide to Knowing This Pale Blue Animal

Photo: Jemma Craig via Getty Images

The minke whale is a small baleen whale that can be found in all of the world's oceans. This blue animal is one of the smallest whales, and it has a slim body with a pointed head. The minke has been hunted by humans for centuries as they were often caught as part of commercial whaling operations. In fact, this species was nearly driven to extinction because humans killed so many! Thankfully, we have made some great strides to protect these animals from hunting.

Description and Appearance

Photo: Nigel Marsh via Getty Images


The minke whale has a pale blue-grey body that is often difficult to see in the water. They have a slender body and a pointed head that helps them move through the water quickly. Males typically reach lengths of about 23 feet (seven meters), while females are slightly larger at 26 feet (eight meters). This makes the minke one of the smallest baleen whales in existence.

Minke whales are very social animals and often travel in groups of two to ten individuals. They are also known for being quite playful, and will often breach the water and slap their tails on it.

They’re definitely playful out of the water, too! The only catch is they’re in their plushie forms. You can play with Gage Beasley’s Minke Whale Soft Stuffed Plush Toy as much as you want! It’s the perfect toy for nights you want to hug something soft.

Gage Beasley’s Minke Whale Soft Stuffed Plush Toy

Diet & Hunting

The primary food source for a minke whale is krill, which is a tiny crustacean that they eat by opening their mouths and swimming through large swarms of them. When they locate such a swarm, they will take turns swimming through it and sucking up as many krill as they can. They also eat small fish, squid, and plankton.


The mating season for minke whales usually occurs in the late winter or early spring. After a gestation period of about ten months, females will give birth to a single calf. The calves are nursed for about six months, after which they will start to feed on their own.

Distribution and Habitat

Photo: baddpix via Getty Images


Minke whales can be found in all of the world's oceans, and they often inhabit coastal waters. They are commonly seen in the Arctic and Antarctic regions but have also been spotted in the Mediterranean Sea and off the coast of California. These animals typically prefer waters that are between 50 and 60 degrees Fahrenheit (ten to fifteen degrees Celsius).

During the winter months, they will migrate to warmer waters.


The minke whale was nearly driven to extinction by humans because of commercial whaling. Thankfully, we have made some great strides in recent years to protect these animals from hunting. In 1986, the International Whaling Commission placed a moratorium on hunting minke whales, and this has helped their population rebound. However, they are still considered a "species at risk" and more needs to be done to protect them from other threats, such as entanglement in fishing gear.

Other Interesting Facts:

  • The minke whale is the second smallest of the baleen whales. Only the pygmy right whale is smaller. They are also one of the fastest swimming whales and can reach speeds of up to 23 miles per hour.
  • Minke whales are very curious by nature and have been known to approach boats and even humans in the water. They are not considered a threat to humans, however, they have been known to become entangled in fishing gear.
  • The minke whale is a popular target for whalers because of its large size and high oil yield. In some parts of the world, they are still hunted commercially.
  • Despite being one of the most hunted whales, the minke whale is considered to be a species of least concern by the International Union for Conservation of Nature. This means that they are not currently at risk of extinction.
  • The minke whale is named after Jørgen Munchausen, an 18th-century German nobleman and adventurer who was known for telling outrageous stories about his exploits.

Final Thoughts

Minke whales are an excellent species to study due to how much we know about them. They are a popular choice for whale-watching expeditions, as they are often curious about humans and will approach boats. So keep an eye out for these beautiful creatures next time you're out on the water!



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