A Guide to the Fascinating World of Dinosaur Eggs

Leave a comment / / Updated on: 24th September 2023

Everything we seem to know about dinosaurs today is based on bits and pieces of their past discovered so far.

These are known as fossils, and they don’t always come in the form of bones and shells alone. 

Other evidence of biological activities can also be preserved as fossils. 

For instance, we can tell how a dinosaur walked by studying fossilized footprints preserved in ancient rocks. 

Similarly, it’s possible to deduce a dinosaur’s diet by studying fossilized feces or coprolites. 

These are known as trace fossils. 

Dinosaur eggs finally hatched! | Mike via Getty Images

So how do we know how dinosaurs reproduced? 

The evidence for that is preserved in dinosaur eggs! 

Scientists have always described dinosaurs as egg-laying animals, just like every other reptile. 

However, the discovery of the first dinosaur egg fossil in 1923 was the first confirmation that this is true. 

Since then, many more dinosaur eggs have been discovered. 

These fossilized eggs are considered very important by paleontologists before they offer insights into various aspects of the prehistoric life of dinosaurs that fossilized bones alone cannot provide. 

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Gage Beasley’s Prehistoric Shirt Collection
Gage Beasley's Prehistoric Plush Collection
Gage Beasley’s Prehistoric Plush Collection

Dinosaur eggs provide significant information about the reproductive behaviors, growth rates, and even parenting strategies of these ancient creatures. 

Sometimes these eggs even preserve the remains of developing embryos. 

This is why they’re considered very important to paleontologists. 

Thanks to modern technology, we can peer through the shells of these ancient eggs to get deeper insights into how they formed and developed. 

In this article, we’ll provide a detailed guide to the fascinating world of dinosaur eggs, detailing the most notable discoveries and scientific insights we have gained from studying them. 

The Discovery of Dinosaur Eggs

To whom do these dinosaur eggs belong to? | Roger De Marfà via Getty Images

Dinosaur eggs were known long before dinosaurs were known and studied scientifically. 

Ancient humans encountered these egg fossils and even interacted with them in some ways. 

During the stone age, for instance, locals in Mongolia fashioned fossil eggshells into Jewelry. 

Of course, they didn’t know what they were, and in many cultures, these million-year-old eggs only inspired myths and tales of magical creatures. 

In 1859, a Catholic priest and amateur naturalist, Jean-Jacques Poech, discovered and described the first dinosaur egg documented in history. 

The knowledge of dinosaurs was not very widespread at the time, so he erroneously assumed that the eggs were laid by giant birds. 

Fossilized nest specimen AMNH FR 6508, recovered from Mongolia during the Central Asiatic Expedition of 1923. | Steve Starer via Flickr (CC BY 2.0)

The first egg fossils officially identified as dinosaur eggs were discovered by accident in 1923 during an expedition to the Gobi Desert to find evidence of early humans. 

The egg was just one of several discoveries made by Roy Chapman Andrews and his team, but it was the main highlight of their expedition. 

Initially, the eggs were thought to be that of the Protoceratops

But subsequent research revealed that they were most likely Oviraptor eggs. 

In the years that followed, many more dinosaur egg fossils have turned up. 

While many of them were fragmentary or broken eggs shells, a few intact eggs (even with embryos preserved) have been discovered across multiple locations all over the world. 

Key Discoveries and Their Impact on the Field

A Hypselosaurus egg (Dinosaurland, Lyme Regis) | Ballista via Wikipedia (CC BY-SA 3.0)

In 1969, just about a decade after Father Poech’s discovery, French geologist, Philippe Matheron, discovered a fossil site with bones of an animal that he called Hypselosaurus

The site also included eggshell fossils. 

Paul Gervais, who was the director of comparative anatomy at the Natural History Museum in Paris at the time, studied thin sections of these egg fossils. 

He compared them to the shells of eggs laid by living animals like birds and reptiles but found the eggs to be most similar to turtle eggs. 

The bones found in association with the fossil egg were later identified as that of a long-necked sauropod, contrary to Matheron’s initial thought that it was a crocodile-like animal. 

Like a crocodile, you said? | nikpal via Getty Images

Although it was not conclusively identified at the time, this discovery represents the first instance of dinosaur eggs being studied extensively.

It wasn’t until later in the 20th century that dinosaur egg fossils became widely recognized. 

Even in the early 1900s, a few eggshell fossils were discovered and wrongly attributed to other animals. 

For instance, the first dinosaur egg fossils discovered in the United States were found by Charles W. Gilmore in 1913 but were erroneously described as a “clamshell” fossil. 

The first dinosaur egg fossils to be officially recognized were found in Mongolia in 1923. 

George Olsen, a member of the expedition team led by Roy Chapman Andrews, made the discovery. 

A team of Soviet scientists returned to the same region of Mongolia in 1946 and discovered even more dinosaur egg fossils. 

For many years after these finds, there was a lull in studying dinosaur fossil eggs. 

These changed in the 1970s when scientists began to study dinosaur eggs in earnest using various probing methods. 

In 1970, German paleontologist, H. Erben, became the first scientist to study dinosaur egg shells with a scanning electron microscope. 

One dinosaur egg in a nest in the desert in Arizona near Tuba City. Layers are exposed to reveal the fossilized embryo! | MARIE WALKER via Getty Images

He was able to study the egg’s ultrastructure and present details that were missing in eggs previously studied using light microscopy. 

The same year, Canadian geologist, Robert Follinsbee, used mass spectroscopy for his study. 

As more dinosaur egg fossils turned up in various locations worldwide, scientists developed different methods of classifying these eggs. 

Most of these methods classified the eggs based on their hypothesized mothers. 

However, in 1975, Chinese paleontologist, Zhao Zi Kui, established a formal method of classifying egg fossils based on their physical qualities. 

Sauropod dinosaur eggs, Cretaceous, France. | Roger De Marfà via Getty Images

This didn’t catch on immediately, mostly due to the language barrier, but it was later adopted in the 1990s. 

The first whole dinosaur egg fossil to be discovered in North America was found in 1979 at Egg Mountain, Montana. 

The late 1900s and early 21st century saw the discovery of many more dinosaur egg fossils and the re-examination of previously identified eggs using more advanced scientific techniques. 

For instance, the eggs of Massospondylus, earlier unearthed in 1976, were examined in 2010 and found to be the oldest dinosaur eggs with well-preserved embryos. 

Using these eggs, scientists were able to reconstruct what these juvenile dinosaurs might have looked like when they were alive. 

How These Early Discoveries Revolutionized Our Understanding of Dinosaurs

Dinosaur emerging from an egg | estt via Getty Images

In studying dinosaurs and other prehistoric animals, trace fossils such as eggs help to transform these prehistoric remains from static, skeletal representations into dynamic creatures with clearly-understood behaviors. 

At the most basic level, the discovery of dinosaur eggs provides information about the reproductive behavior and parenting strategies of these prehistoric animals, which is impossible to tell by just studying their bones. 

We now know that some dinosaurs lived in social groups and exhibited a range of complex reproductive behavior thanks to the discovery of nesting sites and egg clusters. 

We also know that some dinosaurs cared for their off-springs after hatching. 

The discovery of parents in association with nesting sites indicates that dinosaurs may have exhibited parental care similar to what is seen in certain bird species today. 

A closer look at these eggs using the latest scientific techniques has revealed even deeper insights. 

Some petrified dinosaur eggs | dgero via Getty Images

For instance, analyzing embryonic remains within eggs has made it possible for paleontologists to estimate growth rates, track developmental stages and the timing of certain life events in dinosaurs. 

These pieces of information have allowed accurate reconstructions of dinosaur life cycles for different dinosaur species.

Beyond their significance in understanding reproductive behavior, scientists have made several key discoveries about other aspects of dinosaur life using their eggs. 

For instance, using mass spectrometry, scientists were able to determine that the Mongolian egg fossil discovered in 1923 came from a dinosaur that lived in an arid environment. 

Scientists have also successfully inferred what a dinosaur ate when it was alive by studying the carbon composition of its egg shells-pretty cool, right? 

Types of Dinosaur Eggs

Sauropod dinosaur eggs, Cretaceous, France. | Roger De Marfà via Getty Images

Dinosaur fossil eggs are more commonly found in fragmentary form than as intact eggs. 

However, there have been several instances of intact fossil eggs, which have made it possible to determine their size, shape, and even texture. 

Like egg-laying animals today, the shape of dinosaur eggs varied for different species of dinosaurs. 

Some laid spherical eggs, while others laid elongated eggs. 

Some eggs were particularly elongated, sometimes up to three times as long as they were wide.  

Dinosaur eggs also came in both symmetrical and asymmetrical forms (rounded on one end and pointed on the other end) 

Fossil egg of dinosaur | Michel VIARD via Getty Images

In terms of size, dinosaur eggs were expectedly very large. 

However, there were some small ones too. 

The diameter ranged from just one inch to as much as eight inches in some species. 

Dinosaur eggs as big as two feet in length have also been identified. 

Interestingly, dinosaurs don’t have the biggest fossil egg ever discovered. 

Megaloolithus at the Museum d’Histoire Naturelle Aix-en-Provence. Eggs of titanosaurid, possibly Hypselosaurus priscus. | Hectonichus via Wikipedia (CC BY-SA 3.0)

That title belongs to the elephant bird, which had a capacity of over two gallons, larger than the largest dinosaur egg ever discovered (the Megaloolithus). 

Like the eggs of modern reptiles and birds, dinosaur egg shells were formed by calcium carbonate materials. 

But they were not smooth or uniformly shaped like present-day eggs. 

They had nodes, ridges, and other surface ornamentations, which gave them a rough texture. 

The variation in surface ornamentation of these eggshells is one of the main features used to classify them. 

Distinct Egg Characteristics for Different Dinosaur Species.

Long cracks running on a dinosaur fossil | Esa Riutta via Getty Images

Differences in key characteristics of different dinosaur eggs are valuable for classifying them. 

Scientists can tell—to a high degree of accuracy—the dinosaur that laid an egg by simply observing the shape, size, and texture of the egg. 

For instance, theropod dinosaurs are known to lay elongated eggs with solid egg shells similar to that of birds. 

Non-theropod dinosaurs, on the other hand, laid mostly spherical eggs. 

Here’s an overview of the distinct characteristics of eggs laid by different dinosaur groups. 

Different species of dinosaurs produced eggs with unique features, reflecting their evolutionary adaptations and ecological niches. Some notable examples include:


Sauropod eggs | Roger De Marfà via Getty Images

Sauropods were massive, long-necked herbivores

Expectedly, the biggest dinosaurs to have ever lived laid relatively large eggs. 

The average sauropod egg was about the same size as a basketball, but some laid eggs as big as a small car. 

Their eggs were mostly spherical, but a few laid elongated eggs. 

Sauropod eggs often had a bumpy or pebbly texture. 

Their nests were commonly found in circular or spiral arrangements, suggesting some level of communal nesting.


Therizinosaur nest and eggs (cf. Segnosaurus) in from Dinosaurland in Lyme Regis, England. | Ballista via Wikipedia (CC BY-SA 3.0)

Carnivorous theropods such as the tyrannosaurids, oviraptors, and troodontids laid eggs that were slightly smaller in size compared to that of sauropods.

Their size ranged from just a few centimeters to more than 20 centimeters in some species. 

Theropod eggs were often elongated, elliptical, or pear-shaped. 

They also had a smooth and glossy surface similar to the shell of modern eggs, but some species had bumps and other surface ornaments.

In some theropod egg shells, scientists have observed an additional prismatic layer that provided extra support and protection for the embryo.

Theropods, such as oviraptors, were known to brood over their eggs like some modern birds. 


Fossilized eggs of a Hadrosaur | xijian via Getty Images

The duck-billed hadrosaurs laid eggs that were usually round or oval and had a relatively smooth surface. 

Hadrosaur nests have been found in varying arrangements, from circular clusters to more spread-out layouts.

The smallest hadrosaur eggs were about 5 cm in diameter, while the largest measured up to 10 centimeters. 

Examples of Various Dinosaur Egg Fossils

Finding dinosaur eggs is like hitting paleontology gold. 

Eggs are rarely preserved, so they’re among the rarest finds on any fossil site. 

Even when they’re found, only broken pieces are recovered in most cases.

However, there have been a few notable instances of dinosaur egg fossils. 

Some of them include: 

  • Oviraptor eggs: eggs belonging to this small ceratopsian dinosaur were found in the Flaming Cliffs of Mongolia. 
Oviraptor nest AMNH 6508 | Ryan Somma via Flickr (CC BY-SA 2.0)

Initially, scientists thought the dinosaur fossil found in association with the egg was that of an “egg stealer” that died while raiding a dinosaur nest. 

This was later found to be inaccurate, and the egg was its own. 

  • Good mother lizard: fossils of the Maiasaura were found in Montana, United States, in a nest containing eggs and juvenile skeletons. 
Reconstruction of a Maiasaura nest with eggs | Fernando Losada Rodríguez via Wikipedia (CC BY-SA 4.0)

The nest was circular and included eggs and hatchlings of various sizes, indicating that Maiasaura (and possibly other hadrosaurs) cared for their young after hatching.

  • Citipati eggs: a nest belonging to Citipati, a relative of the Oviraptor, was discovered in Mongolia in the 1990s.  
A Citipati osmolskae egg with preserved embryo, at the AMNH. | Ryan Somma via Flickr (CC BY-SA 2.0)

They were similar to the Oviraptor’s eggs but had distinct shell ornamentation that included small pits and grooves. 

  • Megaloolithus eggs: The largest dinosaur eggs ever found belong to this massive sauropod dinosaur. 
Megaloolithus siruguei of the Tremp Formation | Photo via 3-D Modelling of Megaloolithid Clutches: Insights about Nest Construction and Dinosaur Behaviour (Vila et al., 2010) (CC BY-SA 4.0)

They were discovered in South Africa, and each one measured about two feet in diameter. 

  • Jinfengopteryx eggs: on the other end of the dinosaur egg size spectrum is the Jinfengopteryx eggs. 
Life restoration (graphite) of Jinfengopteryx elegant. | Matt Martyniuk (Dinoguy2) via Wikipedia (CC BY 2.5)

Discovered in China in 2011, these are the smallest dinosaur egg fossils ever discovered.  

They are about the size of chicken eggs and were laid by Jinfengopteryx, a small, feathered dinosaur.

Nesting Behaviors and Environments

Dinosaur eggs and nesting sites provide valuable insights into the reproductive strategies, social behavior, and other aspects of how these ancient animals care for their offspring. 

Scientists have been able to infer the nesting behavior of different dinosaur groups by studying the depositional environment where the egg was preserved and the intricate details of the egg itself. 

Many dinosaur species (especially the sauropods and hadrosaurs) lived in herds and formed communal or shared nesting sites similar to modern birds like penguins.

In these nests, large groups of these herbivorous dinosaurs laid their eggs together. 

The Egg Mountain fossil site in Montana is one of the most notable examples of dinosaur communal nests. 

Fossilized eggs of a Hadrosaur | xijian via Getty Images

The site has at least 14 individual dinosaur nests within a small area, including thousands of eggs, embryos, and adult hadrosaur dinosaurs. 

But not all dinosaurs exhibited this sort of complex behavior. 

Some of them (especially the theropods) lay eggs individually or in smaller clusters. 

For such dinosaurs, their nests are often spread out across the landscape, even when they’re found in the same region. 

This means each dinosaur took care of its nests with less interaction as far as eggs and young rearing are concerned. 

How Dinosaur Eggs Were Laid and Incubated

Dinosaur eggs in the nest | jarino47 via Getty Images

Dinosaurs also exhibited a wide range of behavior when it came to laying and incubating their eggs.

Like egg-laying animals today, different dinosaurs constructed nests from materials available in their ecosystem, including mud, vegetation, and other resources. 

Some also laid eggs underground or covered them with soil or other materials to protect them from potential predators or environmental hazards. 

Many dinosaurs simply laid their eggs this way and left them to the mercy of the elements, similar to what turtles, crocodiles, and even some bird species do today. 

Such dinosaurs relied on heat from external sources like the sun or warm soil to incubate the eggs.  

A fossilized dinosaur egg on a farm in South Africa | marietjieopp via Getty Images

This was probably the case with larger dinosaurs that would have been too big to incubate their eggs, such as the sauropods and tyrannosaurids. 

However, there’s evidence that a few dinosaurs brooded over their eggs, incubating them with their body heat. 

This kept the eggs at an optimal temperature for embryonic development for the duration of the incubation period.

Experts also think some dinosaurs, such as oviraptorids and troodontids, re-used nests from previous breeding seasons. 

This behavior suggests that these dinosaurs had dedicated breeding sites which they returned to yearly or were deeply territorial. 

Environments Where Dinosaur Nests Have Been Found

Riverbank | Chris Gordon via Getty Images

Dinosaurs lived in a wide range of environments.

Unsurprisingly, eggs belonging to these prehistoric reptiles have also been found in various environments.

Some dinosaurs laid their eggs in coastal areas, riverbanks, or flood plains near water bodies, possibly benefiting from the temperature-regulating effects of the sand.

Other dinosaur nests have also been discovered in desert-like environments. 

Dinosaurs that lived in arid areas like this built their nests in sheltered spots to protect them from extreme temperatures and desiccation.

Paleontologists in the desert | Евгений Харитонов via Getty Images

Some of them also build mounds of vegetation and other materials to protect these eggs from the harsh conditions where they lived. 

This behavior suggests that some dinosaurs were intelligent and capable of adaptive behaviors. 

Certain dinosaur species like theropods and ornithopods also made nests in dangerous areas like the side of cliffs or near rivers. 

These are protected areas where predators are less likely to frequent, increasing the chances of survival of these eggs and their offspring. 

Egg Anatomy and Development

Dinosaur egg | cometary via Getty Images

Scientists know more about the shell and external structure of a dinosaur’s egg than its internal anatomy. 

The shell, which is made of calcium carbonate material, is typically preserved in its original form in the fossil record. 

The rest of the internal structure is inferred based on comparison with the eggs of other amniotic animals such as birds and reptiles. 

Generally, scientists think dinosaur eggs had amnion, chorion, and an allantois. 

These are the three main membranes present in the egg of modern birds and reptiles. 

The amnion, which is a fluid-filled sac, surrounds the embryo and protects it from shock. 

Hatched dinosaur egg | cyoginan via Getty Images

The chorion is a membrane covering the amnion. 

It helps to regulate the embryo’s temperature and supplies nutrients to the embryo. 

The allantois is a sac that stores waste products produced by the embryo as it develops within the egg. 

The exact incubation period for dinosaur eggs is not known. 

However, experts think it was probably similar to that of modern birds, which is about 30 days.

Scientific Techniques Used To Study the Contents of Fossilized Eggs

Scientists use a wide range of techniques to truly understand the internal structure of dinosaur eggs. 

Some of these techniques focus on understanding the composition of the hard part, which can provide insights into where the dinosaur laid its eggs, how it was incubated, or even the diet of the parent dinosaur. 

Other methods probe the internal composition of the fossilized eggs to uncover insights into the development of the embryo. 

Some of the advanced techniques used for studying dinosaur fossils include: 


Reptile x-ray | grecosvet via Getty Images

X-ray machines can be used to scan the interior of dinosaur eggs and produce two-dimensional images. 

In the past, this method was used for embryo identification, but this has been found to be inaccurate. 

More recently, scientists have used X-rays to determine the chemical composition of dinosaur egg shells.  

CT Scanning

CT Scan | Gerardo Huitrón via Getty Images

Computed Tomography (CT) scans allow researchers to create detailed 3D images of the internal structures of eggs. 

This technique can reveal embryonic bones, structures, and even the thickness of eggshell layers without damaging the specimens.


Microscope | rudi_suardi via Getty Images

Microscopic analysis of thin sections of eggshell material using a light microscope or scanning electron microscopy can provide information about eggshell microstructure.

It also reveals details about growth patterns, potential stress, or environmental factors that affected the embryos as they developed.

Isotopic Analysis

Isotopic Analysis | Radiogenic via Wikipedia (CC0)

Stable isotopes within the eggshell material can offer clues about the ancient environment, including temperature and humidity levels when the eggs were laid and incubated.

Scientists use a method known as Mass spectrometry to determine the composition of the eggshell and infer various attributes of the parent dinosaur. 


Color cathodoluminescence of a diamond in SEM, real colors | Pavel.Somov via Wikipedia (CC BY 4.0)

The calcium composition of dinosaur eggshells can remain intact for several million years. 

However, the composition of this calcite can also be altered after burial. 

Scientists use cathodoluminescence to determine whether or not the calcium in the eggshell has been altered.

The Paleobiology of Dinosaur Eggs

Dinosaur eggs | neklai via Getty Images

Dinosaur fossils tell us what dinosaurs looked like, but these bones can only provide limited information about how they lived. 

Dinosaur eggs, which are the direct results of their reproductive habits, are the only windows we have to understand how these ancient creatures reproduced. 

By examining the size, shape, arrangement, and even the microstructure of eggs, paleontologists have crafted compelling narratives about how dinosaurs reproduced, incubated their eggs, and cared for their offspring.

For instance, we know that dinosaurs laid numerous eggs at once, and only a few of these eggs would eventually hatch and survive into adulthood. 

Laying large numbers of eggs increases the chances of survival of these prehistoric reptiles in the harsh environment of the Mesozoic Era

Hypotheses About Incubation Methods and Parental Care in Dinosaurs

Baby dinosaur and egg | -zlaki- via Getty Images

The arrangement of dinosaur eggs in their nests shows that they had different incubation strategies. 

Herding dinosaurs made communal nests with eggs piled together. 

Laying and incubating their eggs collectively this way helped to conserve heat. 

Juveniles were also raised together with the herd, where they had the protection of their parents. 

Solitary nests, on the other hand, imply that the dinosaurs that laid them were probably territorial. 

Fossilized Dinosaur eggs displayed at Indroda Dinosaur and Fossil Park. | Sballal via Wikipedia (CC BY-SA 3.0)

They relied on external heat sources like the sun or brooded on their eggs as some species of modern birds do. 

Highlight studies that have reconstructed dinosaur nesting behaviors.

Some of the most notable dinosaur nesting sites have been extensively studied to understand the nesting behavior of these prehistoric reptiles. 

The Egg Mountain in Montana, USA, is one of the most notable examples of this, 

It was discovered in the 1970s, months after Maiasaura peeblesorum, the dinosaur that laid the eggs, was found. 

Exposure of the Two Medicine Formation near “Egg Mountain” in northern Montana. | Anky-man via Wikipedia

This dinosaur nesting site was the first extensive dinosaur fossil site ever found. 

It also provided the first conclusive evidence that dinosaurs provided parental care to their young. 

Each nest contained dozens of eggs, and adults were found in association with the nest, implying that they were involved in guarding or even incubating the eggs. 

This site also provides evidence that some dinosaurs migrated actively but returned to the same nesting sites every year as turtles do. 

Another nest belonging to a troodontid dinosaur discovered in Alberta, Canada, has also been extensively studied. 

Prismatoolithus levis eggs, which are considered to have been laid by a troodontid | James St. John via Flickr (CC BY 2.0)

Experts think these dinosaurs built their nests in shallow depressions in the ground. 

The nests were lined with vegetation, and the eggs were laid in a circular pattern. 

Comparison with modern birds and reptiles showed that each Troodon laid four to six eggs per season. 

But each nest in the fossil site had at least 24 eggs. 

This means multiple individuals laid their eggs together in each nest and incubated them together. 

Preservation and Fossilization

Fossilized dinosaur eggs | IgorChus via Getty Images

Broken fossil eggs or shells with their tops open are quite common in the fossil record. 

These often come from the preservation of shells from eggs that hatched successfully. 

Intact eggs have been discovered as well. 

These are eggs that were either buried before they could hatch or failed to hatch before the embryo died due to congenital or environmental conditions. 

In either case, only eggs buried quickly in environments that favor fossilization are likely to be preserved as fossils. 

Once buried, sediments begin to enter into the shells either through large openings that existed before or cracks formed by the strain of sediments being deposited on the shell. 

Dinosaur eggs | dottedhippo via Getty Images

Sometimes fossilization may occur before the egg breaks at all. 

If the egg gets carried into a calcite-rich aquatic environment, the minerals can filter through the pores of the shell, forming a cast sturdy enough to hold against the weight of sediments deposited over it. 

Sometimes, individual broken pieces are also preserved. 

Most fossilized eggs manage to preserve their original calcite composition. 

But in many cases, the calcite may be altered or destroyed. 

This is known as diagenesis. 

Factors That Contribute to the Preservation of Dinosaur Eggs

Dinosaur eggs | mactrunk via Getty Images

Like regular bone fossils, dinosaur egg fossils are only preserved when specific conditions are met. Some of these conditions include: 

  • Rapid Burial: For eggs to fossilize, they need to be buried rapidly after being laid to prevent microbial decay, scavengers, and erosion from destroying them. 

Nests located in well-protected environments, such as riverbanks, floodplains, or areas prone to sediment accumulation, have a higher chance of being quickly buried and preserved.

Natural disasters such as sandstorms may also bury dinosaurs and their eggs rapidly. 

An example of this is the oviraptor found preserved in a life-like brooding position. 

  • Mineralization: Over time, minerals present in groundwater can permeate the eggshell, gradually replacing organic material with minerals like calcium carbonate. 

This process helps transform the delicate eggshell into sturdier fossils that can last for several million years.

  • Stable Environment: A stable geological environment is crucial for preserving eggs. 

Sudden shifts in sedimentary layers, volcanic activity, or tectonic movements can disrupt the fossilization process and destroy delicate eggs.

Titanosaurus Australis fossilized eggs from Patagonia, Argentina | Foto4440 via Getty Images

Some of the notable sites that have fortunately preserved dinosaur fossils due to these conditions include: 

  • Flaming Cliffs (Mongolia): this site yielded some of the first dinosaur egg discoveries. 
  • Héctor Munro Quarry (Argentina): famous for the discovery of numerous titanosaur eggs. 
  • Auca Mahuevo (Argentina): known for its extensive nesting grounds of sauropod dinosaurs. 
  • Zhucheng (China): the Zhucheng site is one of the largest dinosaur fossil sites in the world. 

It has revealed a wealth of dinosaur fossil discoveries, including eggs of different sizes, shapes, and types.    

Unanswered Questions and Ongoing Research

Fossilized dinosaur egg from the Gobi desert, National Museum in Prague | Meridas via Wikipedia (CC BY-SA 4.0)

Research into dinosaur fossil eggs has come a long way since the late 1900s. 

Yet, several gaps and mysteries remain as we continue to probe the biology and reproductive behavior of these ancient reptiles. 

One area that has (and will probably remain mysterious for many more years) is the embryonic development of dinosaurs. 

There’s still a lot that we do not know about how dinosaur embryos grew and developed within the eggs. 

Details about their metabolism, growth rates, and physiological adaptations can only be known by comparing them to reptilian and avian embryos. 

The discovery of more well-preserved dinosaur eggs with embryos intact may also help answer some of these questions, but these are rare in the fossil record. 

Identifying dinosaur eggs with a high degree of certainty has also been difficult. 

Fossilized dinosaur egg | IgorChus via Getty Images

Dinosaur egg identification is still mainly based on associated dinosaur fossils or the presence of well-preserved embryos within the egg. 

Fortunately, advances in microscopy and imaging techniques are making it easier for scientists to explore the microscopic structures of eggshells in greater detail. 

Understanding the microstructure of dinosaur eggs can provide insights into eggshell strength, porosity, and other characteristics that can be used to diagnose and identify these eggs. 

With advanced imaging techniques, such as high-resolution CT scanning and synchrotron radiation, researchers can examine the internal structures of eggs without damaging them. 

Recent advancements in DNA and proteomics techniques also hold the potential to extract genetic material from fossilized eggs.

Although this will be challenging due to the age and the state of preservation of most samples, this area of research holds significant potential for identifying dinosaur fossil eggs, understanding the genetic relationships between dinosaur species, and uncovering other clues about their reproductive biology.

Dinosaur Egg Myths and Popular Culture

Like dinosaurs themselves, dinosaur eggs are fascinating paleontological artifacts that capture the imagination of people all over the world. 

Expectedly, our fascination with them raises the potential of myths and misconceptions. 

Many of these misconceptions stem from limited information, poor artistic interpretations, or straight-out misrepresentation to create engaging narratives in movies and other pop culture materials. 

Some of the common myths and misconceptions about dinosaur eggs include: 

Giant Dinosaur Eggs

Humungous egg! | vicnt via Getty Images

Contrary to common misconceptions, dinosaurs didn’t always lay large eggs.

In fact, some of the biggest dinosaurs, such as the titanosaurs, laid eggs that were comparatively small compared to their adult size. 

That’s because the juveniles did not look exactly like adult forms. 

They developed rapidly after hatching, growing in size and body proportions within a short time. 

Embryos Hatching Into Full-Growns

Tyrannosaurus rex embryo in its egg | estt via Getty Images

Some movies and other media often depict dinosaur embryos hatching and instantly growing into adult-sized dinosaurs. 

In reality, dinosaur growth took time, just like in modern animals. 

Hatchlings were relatively small and underwent years of growth to reach maturity.

Universal Nest Styles

Big egg nest | towfiqu ahamed via Getty Images

Dinosaurs are often depicted with the same nesting strategies, often in the form of large communal nesting sites. 

In reality, different species of dinosaurs had diverse nesting behaviors. 

They also laid their eggs in different environments depending on where they lived. 

Dinosaur Eggs Were All Hard-Shelled

Fossilized eggs of a Hadrosaur dinosaur | xijian via Getty Images

This is not always true. 

Some dinosaur eggs had soft shells similar to those of crocodiles.

Pop Culture Portrayal of Dinosaur Eggs 

Dinosaur egg in Ice Age: Collision Course | Photo via Ice Age Wiki

Aside from feeding, one aspect of dinosaur life commonly depicted on-screen and in other media materials is their nesting and reproductive habits. 

Movies like the iconic “Jurassic Park” franchise have popularized the image of dinosaur eggs in the public consciousness. 

In these movies, dinosaur eggs were depicted as massive, similar in proportion to the giant dinosaurs that laid them, which is quite inaccurate. 

Dinosaur eggs are also featured in children’s cartoons, such as “Ice Age: Collision Course,” where Sid, one of the main characters in the movie, was seen trying to adopt three dinosaur eggs. 

These are just a few instances of dinosaur eggs referenced in movies. 

Needless to say, these on-screen depictions aren’t accurate. 

This is partly because most of what we know about dinosaur eggs and their reproductive behavior are speculatory and also because movie producers tend to add inaccurate elements to the story to achieve dramatic effects. 

Documentaries and other scientific materials do a better job of presenting accurate scientific information about dinosaur eggs and their discovery. 

They often include real-life paleontologists discussing their findings and theories, aiming to educate and inspire viewers about these relics of the past.


Like other trace fossils such as footprints, and coprolites, dinosaur eggs form an important part of the body of evidence for the existence of dinosaurs. 

Although they’re not very common in the fossil record, the few dinosaur eggs discovered so far have provided significant insights into the reproduction, nesting behavior, and growth of dinosaurs when they were alive. 

This makes them quite significant in understanding various aspects of prehistoric life that are hard to deduce from bones and other body fossils. 

As you continue to research to learn more about dinosaur egg fossils, you’ll find several fascinating discoveries about the incredible world of dinosaurs and how they survived. 


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