Our Mission

You can see our love for the “weird and wonderful” in the products we offer. You can see our commitment to preserving Nature in the actions we take.
We created Gage Beasley to be much more than simply an online toy store. This extends from the eco-friendly, recycled materials used in the toys themselves to our total commitment to helping the environment at the same time.
Of course, we love iconic animals like pandas and elephants, but Nature offers such an incredible array of creatures that we decided to focus on those that are lesser-known but wonderful in their bizarre uniqueness.
Just as important, we believe they should be realistic-looking – not plastic and cartoony. 

Every toy we offer comes with added value

We want to earn your trust so that you’ll consider Gage Beasley to be not only a provider of high-quality products but also a source of reliable information, inspiration, and even community. 

One way is through our weekly newsletter. Along with alerts regarding new products, it features blogs that educate people about wildlife in general and various animals in particular.

You can also find us on Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest

These popular platforms enable us to regularly and directly communicate with our customers so we’re always accessible and always aware of what customers are thinking and needing.

Top it all off with a level of customer service that, frankly, is head-and-shoulders above our competitors. If – for any reason – you are less than perfectly happy with your purchase, don’t hesitate to contact us. We’ll make sure the issue is fixed ASAP.

Big plans going forward!

Gage Beasley is firmly committed to using a generous share of its profits to advance environmental causes worldwide.

We envision this to include purchasing land that can be set aside to protect endangered species. We’d like to also help fund projects designed to save certain animals from extinction as well as ones to search for creatures thought to be extinct but may not be.

We also anticipate that sales made in gift shops worldwide (museums, zoos, aquariums) will contribute significantly to funding these projects.

Spreading awareness through Youtube documentaries

These would essentially be our wildlife blogs in video form. Obviously, many people today are much more receptive to videos than the written word, and this is perhaps especially true with younger kids. Needless to say, it’s vital to reach the next generation as early as possible with information about the natural world, and we believe these videos would be a big help in that effort.

We’d love to hear from you!

Developing strong relationships with our customers is a top priority at Gage Beasley, so we really mean it when we invite you to contact us. And we really do follow up on customer suggestions as well as respond to any concerns. So give us a shout at support@gagebeasleyshop.com. We can’t wait to connect with you!